Controller API Reference

Using the Controller REST API

Note Run these against IP:Port of the Controller.

Use the REST APIs to integrate Anka Build cloud with your CI system(If there is no plugin/integration available).

VM Instance

Object Model:

instance_idstringidentifier for the instance
instance_statestringthe instance's state options are “Scheduling”, “Pulling”, “Started”, “Stopping”, “Stopped”, “Terminating”, “Terminated”, “Error”, “Pushing”
messagestringError message in case of an error
anka_registrystringthe URL of the registry where the template is saved
vmidstringthe Id of the template that the VM is created from
tagstringthe template's tag
versionintthe template's version
vminfoobjectan object representing the VM itself
node_idstringthe Id of the node where the VM is running
inflight_reqidstringthe Id of the pending start VM request
tsdatetimetime of the instance last update
cr_timedatetimecreation time of the instance
progressfloatthe pull progress, in case the VM is in state “Pulling”
group_idstringthe id of the group that the instance belongs to
namestringname of the instance. non unique
external_idstringa string saved with the instance, can be used to save the vm id on an external system. non unique
metadataobjectkey-value object. keys are strings. values are strings, integers or booleans
mac_addressstringrepresents the assigned MAC address

Start VM instances

Note Group_id, priority and USB_device is only available if you are running Enterprise and higher tier of Anka Build.

Description: Start VM instances
Path: /api/v1/vm
Method: POST
Required Body Parameters:

vmidstringThe template (vm image) to use for the instance.

Optional Body Parameters:

tagstringSpecify a specific tag to useLatest tag.
versionintSpecify a version number instead of a tag.-
namestringA name for the instance.-
external_idstringAn arbitrary string to be saved with the instance-
countintNumber of instances to start.1
node_idstringStart the instance on this specific node-
startup_scriptstringScript to be executed after the instance is started, encoded as a base64 string.-
startup_script_conditionintOptions are 0 or 1. If 0 is passed the script will run after the VM's network is up, if 1 is passed the script will run as soon as the VM boots.wait for network
name_templatestringName template for the vm name (on the Node), available vars are $template_name $template_id and $ts (timestamp)-
group_idstringRun the VM on a node from this group.-
priorityintPriority of this instance in range 1-10000 (lower is more urgent).1000
usb_devicestringName of the USB device to attach to the VM-
vcpuintOverride the number of CPU cores for the VM Template (only works when the template VM is stopped).
vramintOverride the VM's RAM size in MB (1GB = 1024MB) (only works when the template VM is stopped).
metadataobjectSets the instance metadata, a key-value object. Keys are strings. Values are strings, ints or booleans-
mac_addressstringSpecify MAC address for the VM (Capital letters and ‘:’ as separators) (only works when the template VM is stopped and when –manage-mac-addresses flag is set in the controller config).


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • body: Array of instance UUIDs
  • message: Error message in case of an error


 curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"vmid": "6b135004-0c89-43bb-b892-74796b8d266c", "count": 2}'

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [

Update Instance

Description: Update VM Instance Path: /api/v1/vm Method: PUT Required Query Parameters

idstringReturn the VM with that ID. If the vm does not exists the server will return the status FAIL

Optional Body Parameters:

namestringA name for the instance-
external_idstringAn arbitrary string to be saved with the instance-
metadataobjectUpdates the instance metadata, a key-value object. Keys are strings. Values are strings, ints or booleans-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


 curl -X PUT "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm?id=c0f36a87-41d9-44a8-66e1-6c5afae15b80" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "My VM name"}'

  "status": "OK",
  "message": ""

Terminate VM instance

Description: Terminate a running VM instance
Path: /api/v1/vm
Method: DELETE
Required Body Parameters:

idstringThe id of the instance to terminate.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X DELETE "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "c983c3bf-a0c0-43dc-54dc-2fd9f7d62fce"}' | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : ""

List VM Instances

Description: List all VM instances
Path: /api/v1/vm
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn the VM with that ID. If the vm does not exists the server will return the status FAIL


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Instances
  • message: Error message in case of an error


# List all VMs

curl  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : [
         "instance_id" : "04b7ca7a-945c-4bdc-5123-68b2e4c8ad13",
         "name": "My VM",
         "external_id": "ly79930",
         "vm" : {
            "anka_registry" : "",
            "ts" : "2019-12-25T16:06:20.681609561Z",
            "progress" : 0,
            "vminfo" : {
               "ip" : "",
               "status" : "running",
               "cpu_cores" : 2,
               "name" : "mgmtManaged-build_vm3-MacPro-02.local-1574781776830830000",
               "port_forwarding" : [
                     "Name" : "ssh",
                     "protocol" : "tcp",
                     "host_port" : 10001,
                     "guest_port" : 22
               "ram" : "2G",
               "vnc_port" : 5902,
               "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
               "vnc_connection_string" : "vnc://:@",
               "host_ip" : "",
               "uuid" : "381e5c9f-d453-48dc-87a4-af6a2a98e46f"
            "tag" : "t1",
            "instance_state" : "Started",
            "cr_time" : "2019-11-26T15:22:52.221924626Z",
            "vmid" : "a29dcb72-f663-469d-9d83-8c4641b2e5dd",
            "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6"
         "vm" : {
            "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
            "instance_state" : "Started",
            "cr_time" : "2019-12-25T16:06:04.658586219Z",
            "vmid" : "6b135004-0c89-43bb-b892-74796b8d266c",
            "vminfo" : {
               "status" : "running",
               "cpu_cores" : 2,
               "ip" : "",
               "name" : "mgmtManaged-mojave-w-java-1577289969489444000",
               "vnc_port" : 5903,
               "ram" : "2G",
               "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
               "uuid" : "4284cb1a-246c-4a2f-b773-ab18d6785957",
               "host_ip" : "",
               "vnc_connection_string" : "vnc://:@"
            "tag" : "teamcity",
            "anka_registry" : "",
            "ts" : "2019-12-25T16:06:20.717627395Z",
            "progress" : 0
         "instance_id" : "6d5b7632-6ace-433a-44d9-e0c25f56706b"
         "vm" : {
            "tag" : "teamcity",
            "vminfo" : {
               "ip" : "",
               "tag" : "teamcity",
               "status" : "running",
               "cpu_cores" : 2,
               "name" : "mojave-w-java-1577289976968997000",
               "vnc_port" : 5904,
               "ram" : "2G",
               "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
               "host_ip" : "",
               "vnc_connection_string" : "vnc://:admin@",
               "uuid" : "bfd4106c-2a88-462f-a545-50f832b7a0f7"
            "progress" : 1,
            "anka_registry" : "",
            "ts" : "2019-12-25T16:06:21.163835272Z",
            "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
            "cr_time" : "2019-12-25T16:06:04.763922869Z",
            "vmid" : "6b135004-0c89-43bb-b892-74796b8d266c",
            "instance_state" : "Started"
         "instance_id" : "9c623cc1-e489-4d02-4559-0c76492bec9f"
   "message" : ""

# Show specific VM

curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm?id=04b7ca7a-945c-4bdc-5123-68b2e4c8ad13" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : {
      "progress" : 0,
      "vminfo" : {
         "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
         "cpu_cores" : 2,
         "ip" : "",
         "status" : "running",
         "uuid" : "381e5c9f-d453-48dc-87a4-af6a2a98e46f",
         "port_forwarding" : [
               "host_port" : 10001,
               "Name" : "ssh",
               "protocol" : "tcp",
               "guest_port" : 22
         "vnc_connection_string" : "vnc://:@",
         "host_ip" : "",
         "ram" : "2G",
         "name" : "mgmtManaged-build_vm3-MacPro-02.local-1574781776830830000",
         "vnc_port" : 5902
      "vmid" : "a29dcb72-f663-469d-9d83-8c4641b2e5dd",
      "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
      "anka_registry" : "",
      "ts" : "2019-12-26T08:57:48.392701636Z",
      "instance_state" : "Started",
      "cr_time" : "2019-11-26T15:22:52.221924626Z",
      "tag" : "t1"


Object Model:

node_idstringThe node's id
node_namestringThe node's name
cpu_countintQuantity of CPU cores
ramintAmount of RAM in GB
vm_countintNumber of VMs currently running
vcpu_countintNumber of running virtual CPUs
vramintAmount of virtual RAM used
cpu_utilfloatCPU utilization (0-1)
ram_utilfloatRAM utilization (0-1)
ip_addressstringThe IP address or host name of the node
statestringState of the node values can be “Offline”, “Inactive (Invalid License)", “Active”, “Updating”, “Unhealthy”
capacityintNumber of VMs the node can run
groupslistList of groups that the nodes belongs to
anka_versionobjectAn object representing the Anka information. running version, product name, license.
usb_deviceslistList of USB devices connected to the node
capacity_modestringNode's capacity mode, options are number (number of running VMs) or resource (VCPUs and VRAM)
vcpu_overrideintVCPU scheduling limit, when using capacity mode resource
ram_overrideintVRAM scheduling limit, when using capacity mode resource
disk_sizeintNode's disk size in bytes
free_disk_spaceintNode's free disk space in bytes
anka_disk_usageintDisk space used by Anka in bytes

List Nodes

Description: List all build nodes joined to the controller
Path: /api/v1/node
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn the Node with that ID. If the node does not exists the server will return the status FAIL


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Nodes
  • message: Error message in case of an error


# List Nodes
curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
   "body" : [
         "ip_address" : "",
         "cpu_count" : 12,
         "capacity" : 6,
         "node_name" : "MacPro-02.local",
         "vm_count" : 1,
         "usb_devices" : null,
         "vcpu_count" : 2,
         "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
         "cpu_util" : 0.074900396,
         "vram" : 2048,
         "ram_util" : 0.03125,
         "state" : "Active",
         "vcpu_override" : 0,
         "anka_version" : {
            "build" : "112",
            "product" : "Anka Build Enterpriseplus",
            "version" : "2.1.2",
            "license" : "com.veertu.anka.entplus"
         "free_disk_space" : 155624185856,
         "anka_disk_usage" : 38274388000,
         "disk_size" : 250135076864,
         "ram" : 64,
         "ram_override" : 0,
         "capacity_mode" : "number"
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : ""

# List Nodes (with groups assigned in the Controller; Enterprise and Enterprise+ license feature)
curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [
      "node_id": "3c101836-9540-4733-9482-604d0c5fbe30",
      "node_name": "Veertu.local",
      "cpu_count": 8,
      "ram": 32,
      "vm_count": 0,
      "vcpu_count": 0,
      "vram": 0,
      "cpu_util": 0.09658847,
      "ram_util": 0,
      "ip_address": "",
      "state": "Active",
      "capacity": 2,
      "groups": [
          "id": "bc288727-676c-4ab5-47b3-d1cd04227d11",
          "name": "iOS",
          "description": "Used for iOS builds and tests",
          "fallback_group_id": null
      "anka_version": {
        "product": "Anka Build Enterpriseplus",
        "version": "2.2.3",
        "build": "118",
        "license": "com.veertu.anka.entplus"
      "usb_devices": null,
      "capacity_mode": "number",
      "vcpu_override": 0,
      "ram_override": 0,
      "disk_size": 1000240963584,
      "free_disk_space": 387449434112,
      "anka_disk_usage": 37276504000

# Show specific Node
curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node?id=f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : [
         "cpu_count" : 12,
         "vcpu_override" : 0,
         "capacity" : 6,
         "usb_devices" : null,
         "ram" : 64,
         "ram_util" : 0.03125,
         "state" : "Active",
         "ip_address" : "",
         "vm_count" : 1,
         "vram" : 2048,
         "anka_version" : {
            "license" : "",
            "build" : "",
            "product" : "",
            "version" : ""
         "capacity_mode" : "",
         "free_disk_space" : 155624185856,
         "anka_disk_usage" : 38274388000,
         "disk_size" : 250135076864,
         "cpu_util" : 0.08308069,
         "node_name" : "MacPro-02.local",
         "node_id" : "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6",
         "ram_override" : 0,
         "vcpu_count" : 2

Update Node

Description: Update Node configuration parameters.
Path: /api/v1/node/config
Method: POST
Required Body Parameters:

node_idstringThe specified Node's id.

Optional Body Parameters:

max_vm_countintSet Node capacity-
namestringSet the Node's name-
hoststringSet the Node's host name-
capacity_modestringSet the Node's capacity mode, options are number (number of running VMs) or resource (VCPUs and VRAM)Default behavior is number
vcpu_overrideintWhen using capacity mode resource set the VCPU scheduling limit-
ram_overrideintWhen using capacity mode resource set the VRAM scheduling limit-
disable_central_loggingboolIf true, disables central logging (logs will not be sent to the log server)-


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Nodes
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node/config" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"node_id": "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6", "name": "MacPro1", "max_vm_count": 6}' | jq

Delete Node.

Note To remove a Node from the cluster, execute ankacluster disjoin on the Node.

Description: Remove Nodes that do not exist anymore or have crashed
Path: /api/v1/node
Method: DELETE
Required Body Parameters:

node_idstringThe specified Node's id.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X DELETE "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"node_id": "f8707005-4630-4c9c-8403-c9c5964097f6"}' | jq


Template Object Model:

idstringThe ID of the template
namestringTemplate's name
sizeintTotal size of all Template's files on the registry in bytes. Including images, state files (suspend state), configuration files for all tags/versions

Tag/Version Object Model:

Each template has multiple Tags/Versions

tagstringTag name of the version
numberintSerial number of the version (between versions)
descriptionstringTag's description
imageslistA list of image file names that this tag contains
state_fileslistA list of state file names (suspend state) that this tag contains
state_filestringName of the state file (in case there multiple state files)
sizeintTotal size of all tag's files on registry in bytes.
nvramstringName of the nvram file
config_filestringName of the tag's config file

List Templates

Description: List all templates stored in the Registry.
Path: /api/v1/registry/vm
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn a specific Template. Passing this parameter will show more information about the Template's tags


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Templates or Template (if id supplied)
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Template List format

  • name: Template's name
  • id: Template's id

Template format

  • name: Template's name
  • id: Template's id
  • versions: Array of Version objects.

Version format

  • tag: The version's tag
  • number: Serial number of the version
  • description: The version's description
  • images: List of image file names
  • state_files: List of state file names (suspend images)
  • config_file: Name of the version's VM config file
  • nvram: Name of the VM nvram file


# List example
curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "body" : [
         "id" : "0bf1a7e8-be95-43d9-a0c8-68c6aed0f2dd",
         "name" : "jenkins-slave",
         "size" : 16427892736
         "id" : "1820b42d-6581-46af-bf42-f64caa1e9633",
         "name" : "catalina",
         "size" : 20643704832
         "id" : "2fa0f10e-e91e-4665-8d42-00a39b9707de",
         "name" : "Catalina-Xcode-11",
         "size" : 17834520576
         "name" : "CachedBuidMojave",
         "id" : "36fc63bb-6841-4528-9480-a9c44dc2740d",
         "size" : 15040651264
         "name" : "android-2",
         "id" : "59adf1a8-c239-11e8-821d-c4b301c47c6b",
         "size" : 19698943312
   "status" : "OK"

# Get Single Template
curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm?id=00510971-5c37-4a60-a9c6-ea185397d9b4" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "body" : {
      "name" : "android-2",
      "id" : "00510971-5c37-4a60-a9c6-ea185397d9b4",
      "versions" : [
            "config_file" : "00510971-5c37-4a60-a9c6-ea185397d9b4.yaml",
            "state_files" : [
            "number" : 0,
            "size" : 16634568704,
            "description" : "",
            "nvram" : "nvram",
            "images" : [
            "tag" : "t1"
   "status" : "OK"

Delete Template

Description: Delete a specific VM template and all associated tags from the registry
Path: /api/v1/registry/vm
Method: DELETE
Required Query Parameters:

idstringThe Template's id.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X DELETE "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm?id=00510971-5c37-4a60-a9c6-ea185397d9b4" | jq

Revert Template Tag

Description: Revert a Template to a certain Tag or version number. Delete the latest version if none is specified.
Path: /api/v1/registry/revert
Method: DELETE
Required Query Parameters

idstringThe Template id.

Optional Query Parameters

tagstringThe Tag to revert to. Newer versions will also be deletedLatest
versionintThe number of the version to revert to, 0 indexedLatest


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


# Delete latest version
curl -X DELETE  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/revert?id=00510971-5c37-4a60-a9c6-ea185397d9b4" | jq
   "body" : null,
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

# Revert to the first version of the template
curl -X DELETE  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/revert?id=a3cc47f0-3a73-11e9-b515-c4b301c47c6b&number=0" | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : null,
   "message" : ""

# Revert to a specific Tag
curl -X DELETE  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/revert?id=a3cc47f0-3a73-11e9-b515-c4b301c47c6b&tag=p120190904183122" | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : null,
   "message" : ""

Distribute Template

Note Group_id is only available if you are running Enterprise tier of Anka Build.

Description: Distribute a specific VM template to all or some build nodes.
Path: /api/v1/registry/vm/distribute
Method: POST
Required Body Parameters:

template_idstringId of the Template to distribute

Optional Body Parameters:

tagstringSpecify a Tag to distributeLatest Tag
versionintSpecify a version number to distributeLatest
node_idsstring arrayChoose specific Nodes to distribute the Template toAll
group_idstringDistribute the Template to the specified group (enterprise)-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • body: Request id of the distribution request
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm/distribute" \
-d '{"template_id": "eaef3af8-cb54-4c3e-baf9-839053472f15"}' | jq
   "body" : {
      "request_id" : "74efc824-2fcb-4e07-5e7d-7f9cc98e0ee5"
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

Get distribution status

Description: Get the status of a requested distribution
Path: /api/v1/registry/vm/distribute
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn the Distribution with that ID.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: List of request status or single request status
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Request Status format

  • distribute_status - Map of nodes
    • status: A boolean, true if the download is finished on the Node
    • progress: A number representing the download progress
  • request - An object that represents the request
    • request_id: The request's id
    • template_id: The Template being distributed
    • time_requested: The time of the request


# List all distribution requests
curl  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm/distribute" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "body" : [
         "request" : {
            "time_requested" : "2019-12-26T17:48:50.380949005+02:00",
            "template_id" : "eaef3af8-cb54-4c3e-baf9-839053472f15",
            "request_id" : "74efc824-2fcb-4e07-5e7d-7f9cc98e0ee5"
         "distribute_status" : {
            "64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3" : {
               "progress" : 0,
               "status" : false
   "status" : "OK"

# Get a specific distribution request
curl  "http://anka.controller/api/v1/registry/vm/distribute?id=74efc824-2fcb-4e07-5e7d-7f9cc98e0ee5" | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : {
      "distribute_status" : {
         "64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3" : {
            "progress" : 0,
            "status" : false
      "request" : {
         "request_id" : "74efc824-2fcb-4e07-5e7d-7f9cc98e0ee5",
         "template_id" : "eaef3af8-cb54-4c3e-baf9-839053472f15",
         "time_requested" : "2019-12-26T17:48:50.380949005+02:00"
   "message" : ""

Save Template Image

Description: Create a “Save Image” request. Save a running VM instance to the Registry as a new Tag or Template.
Path: /api/v1/image
Method: POST
Required Body Parameters:

idstringId of the instance to save.

Optional Body Parameters:

target_vm_idstringThe template to save the VM as. This should be empty if creating a new Image Template-
new_template_namestringCreate a new Image Template from the running instance, using this name. Required if target_vm_id not supplied-
tagstringThe tag name to use for the new tag-
descriptionstringThe description to use for the new tag-
suspendboolIf true, suspends the vm before pushingtrue
scriptstringScript to be executed before the instance is stopped/suspended, encoded as a base64 string.-
revert_before_pushboolIf target_vm_id is not empty, revert the latest tag of the template or tag specified in revert_tagfalse
revert_tagstringRevert this specific tag. In case the tag does not exist, revert operation does not take place.-
do_suspend_sanity_testboolIf suspend is true, perform a suspend sanity test before pushing the VM to the registryfalse


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: The created request id
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/image" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "cfc3cafd-d326-459d-7b3b-3c41b1a3efb7", "target_vm_id": "cb1473f2-1f0a-413c-a376-236bfd7d718f", "tag": "my-new-vm-1901", "revert_before_push": true, "revert_tag": "latest-vm-1801"}' | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : {
      "request_id" : "cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131"
   "message" : ""

List Save Template Image Requests

Description: Get a list of Save Image requests, or specify an id and get a single Save Image request.
Path: /api/v1/image
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn only the Save Image request with that ID.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Save Image requests, or Single Save Image request
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Save Image request format

  • id - The request’s id
  • status - The request's current status. Options are pending/done/error
  • request - An object that represents the request
  • error - Error message if status is error


# List all requests

curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/image" | jq
   "body" : [
         "id" : "cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131",
         "status" : "pending",
         "request" : {
            "Suspend" : true,
            "InstanceID" : "cfc3cafd-d326-459d-7b3b-3c41b1a3efb7",
            "RequestId" : "cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131",
            "RegistryAddr" : "",
            "NewTemplateName" : "",
            "Priority" : 0,
            "Description" : "",
            "Timestamp" : 1577364097,
            "NodeID" : "64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3",
            "RevertTag" : "latest-vm-1801",
            "Tag" : "my-new-vm-1901",
            "TemplateID" : "cb1473f2-1f0a-413c-a376-236bfd7d718f",
            "Script" : "",
            "RevertBeforePush" : true,
            "VMID" : "578a3be9-ad37-49c3-99fc-59c41b79dc59",
            "DoSuspendTest" : false
         "error" : null
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

# Get specific request

curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/image?id=cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131" | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : "",
   "body" : {
      "status" : "pending",
      "request" : {
         "Tag" : "my-new-vm-1901",
         "Script" : "",
         "Timestamp" : 1577364097,
         "Priority" : 0,
         "RevertBeforePush" : true,
         "RequestId" : "cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131",
         "VMID" : "578a3be9-ad37-49c3-99fc-59c41b79dc59",
         "RevertTag" : "latest-vm-1801",
         "TemplateID" : "cb1473f2-1f0a-413c-a376-236bfd7d718f",
         "NewTemplateName" : "",
         "Suspend" : true,
         "RegistryAddr" : "",
         "DoSuspendTest" : false,
         "NodeID" : "64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3",
         "InstanceID" : "cfc3cafd-d326-459d-7b3b-3c41b1a3efb7",
         "Description" : ""
      "error" : null,
      "id" : "cc55f7dd-5280-4120-461c-9b0ef9b40131"


Create Group

Description: Create a new node Group. Group is a “container” object used for grouping nodes.
Path: /api/v1/group
Method: POST
Required Body Parameters:

namestringName of the new Group

Optional Body Parameters:

descriptionstringDescription for the Group-
fallback_group_idstringSet a fallback Group-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • body: The new Group object
  • message: Error message in case of an error


 curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/group" -d '{"name": "GreateNodes", "description": "best of my macs"}' | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : "",
   "body" : {
      "fallback_group_id" : null,
      "name" : "GreateNodes",
      "description" : "best of my macs",
      "id" : "89a66167-62b1-42bb-5a0b-ff667906b8f5"

List Groups

Description: List all groups
Path: /api/v1/group
Method: GET


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Array of Group
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Group format

  • id - The group's id
  • name - The group's name
  • description - The group's description
  • fallback_group_id - Id of a the fallback group (group that requests go to if the current group is in full capacity)


curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/group" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "body" : [
         "fallback_group_id" : null,
         "description" : "best of my macs",
         "id" : "89a66167-62b1-42bb-5a0b-ff667906b8f5",
         "name" : "GreateNodes"
   "status" : "OK"

Update Group

Description: Sets one or more parameters of an existing Group object.
Path: /api/v1/group
Method: PUT
Required Query Parameters:

idstringThe id of the Group to update

Optional Body Parameters:

namestringSet the name of Group
descriptionstringSet description for the Group-
fallback_group_idstringSet a fallback Group-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X PUT "http://anka.controller/api/v1/group?id=89a66167-62b1-42bb-5a0b-ff667906b8f5" \
-d '{"name": "Creme-de-la-nodes", "description": "A selected group of my favorite computers"}' | jq
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

Delete Group

Description: Delete a Group.
Path: /api/v1/group
Method: DELETE
Required Query Parameters:

idstringThe id of the Group to delete


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X DELETE "http://anka.controller/api/v1/group?id=89a66167-62b1-42bb-5a0b-ff667906b8f5" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

Add Nodes to Group

Description: Add one or more Nodes to one or more Groups.
Path: /api/v1/node/group
Method: POST

Required Body Parameters:

group_idsstring arrayList of group ids to add the nodes to.[]
node_idsstring arrayList of nodes to add to the specified groups.[]


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node/group" \
-d '{"group_ids": ["e41d4b47-4c10-4264-5519-2d52af568bdd"], "node_ids": ["64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3"]}' | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : ""

Remove nodes from a group

Description: Remove one or more Nodes from one or more Groups.
Path: /api/v1/node/group
Method: DELETE

Required Body Parameters:

group_idsstring arrayList of group ids to remove the nodes from.[]
node_idsstring arrayList of nodes to remove from the specified group ids.[]


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error


curl -X DELETE "http://anka.controller/api/v1/node/group" \
-d '{"group_ids": ["e41d4b47-4c10-4264-5519-2d52af568bdd"], "node_ids": ["64230242-321c-442a-bd96-d87edd0943a3"]}' | jq
   "status" : "OK",
   "message" : ""


List Devices

Description: Get a list of all USB devices attached to the cloud
Path: /api/v1/usb
Method: GET


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: Map of USB devices
  • message: Error message in case of an error

USB map entry format Each key is the device group name

  • available: Number of available devices of this key
  • busy: Number of busy devices of this key


curl "http://anka.controller/api/v1/usb" | jq
   "message" : "",
   "body" : {
      "iphone7": {
         "available": 3,
         "busy": 1
      "tablet": {
         "available": 0,
         "busy": 2
   "status" : "OK"

Last modified July 17, 2020 : API cleanup + example for groups (ced21b4) by Nathan Pierce