Linux & Docker

Setting up your Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry on Linux & Docker


Instructions can be found under our Getting Started with Linux & Docker guide


  1. docker-compose down your previous installation

  2. Rename the previous directory: mv ~/anka-docker-controller-registry ~/anka-docker-controller-registry-old

  3. Download and extract the latest version tar:

    mkdir -p ~/anka-docker-controller-registry
    cd ~/anka-docker-controller-registry
    curl -L -o anka-docker-controller-registry.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf anka-docker-controller-registry.tar.gz
  4. Copy the docker-compose file from the previous version's folder into the new: cp -rfp ~/anka-docker-controller-registry-old/docker-compose.yml ~/anka-docker-controller-registry/

  5. Start the new Cloud Controller & Registry with --build: cd ~/anka-docker-controller-registry && docker-compose up -d --build


  1. Go to the controller/registry directory and execute docker-compose down.
  2. Delete the controller/registry directory.

Debugging Issues

Anka controller is a server that usually runs as a daemon and errors are usually written to a log. Check the output of docker ps. The anka controller container status should be something like this.

“Up for x amount of time”. For example:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
ae6b522fdec4        test220919_anka-controller    "/bin/bash -c 'anka-…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>80/tcp     test220919_anka-controller_1

If the controller is crashing the status could be “restarting” or “failed”. Example for restarting state: “Restarting (1) 12 seconds ago”.

You can try to run docker-compose up without any parameters and this will output stdout for all services to the screen.

In case one of the services is crashing you could see the errors.Here is an example.

anka-controller_1   | E1128 15:17:16.952500       1 main.go:618] Could not build tls configuration:
anka-controller_1   | E1128 15:17:16.953204       1 main.go:619] open /whwhwhw/path: no such file or directory
test220919_anka-controller_1 exited with code 1

You can also take a look at the logs using docker logs --tail 100 -f $CONTAINER_NAME.

Last modified July 2, 2020 : various improvements to setup guides (9bc9081) by Nathan Pierce