
How to upgrade the Anka Build Virtualization CLI

We follow semantic versioning; minor and major version increases can have significant changes.

Upgrade Procedure (without Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry)

  1. Install the new anka pkg. Follow the install instructions

  2. Upgrade the guest addons inside the VM templates with anka start -u. Check the upgrade notes to see if this step is necessary.

Upgrade Procedure (with Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry)

When upgrading the entire Anka Build infrastructure (Controller/Registry and Nodes), execute the steps in the following sequence:

  1. Run sudo ankacluster disjoin on your nodes

  2. Install the new anka pkg. Follow the install instructions

  3. Upgrade the guest addons inside the VM templates with anka start -u

  4. Push the newly upgraded VM templates to registry with anka registry push {template} --tag <tag>

  5. Go to the Controller & Registry and upgrade to the latest version.

  6. On the nodes, run sudo ankacluster join http://{controller address}

Anka Build Virtualization CLI upgrade note matrix

Existing VersionTarget VersionRecommendation
1.4.32.x.xRequires upgrade of all existing VM templates with anka start -u and push to the registry
2.x2.1.2Only requires upgrade of existing Catalina VM templates with anka start -u and push to the registry